Künstlerhaus Kunsthalle Kulturlabor

Archiv AiR
zur Übersicht

Till Langschied


Till Langschied is a visual artist who lives in Basel and works in a variety of media. He studied at the AMD Düsseldorf and at the Institut Kunst HGK in Basel.

His work explores the relationships between virtual and analogue spaces, operating at the boundaries of these realms. He develops many of his works in digital formats and then transforms them into physical objects, in order to question the agency of the virtual. For his practice he developed the performance character Till Tumaroh, which he uses as an avatar within his work.

Tumaroh’s written manifesto was published by Éditions Extensibles, Paris, and performed as a lecture performance at the Librairie du Palais de Tokyo in Paris and the Dampfzentrale in Bern.

In 2020 Langschied stayed at the Lago Mio residency in Lugano and was granted a residency stay in China by Pro Helvetia in 2021.



  1. Porträt: Till Langschied
  2. Noosphärentrümmer II – 2019 – Burned Wood – 820x670x190cm
  3. Palmistry of Tumaroh (Announcement Image) – 2019 and ongoing – Mulit-Media Performance
  4. Trans-Tech-Ascensions – 2020 – Animated Video – 6.24min