Künstlerhaus Kunsthalle Kulturlabor

Archiv AiR
zur Übersicht

Elmira Iravanizad

1987*, Tehran und Berlin

Elmira Iravanizad
is a painter and sculptist. She is creating abstract and quasi-abstract forms to explore their potential as signifiers and symbols of the subconscious. After studies in Tehran and London she came to the University of Arts Berlin (UdK) on a two-year scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in 2013. Being intrigued by the city’s artistic and social dynamic she continued her artistic practice here and presented her work in several solo and group exhibitions (inter alia at Emkan Gallery Tehran and 68projects Berlin). She has been invited for a residency at the Villa Lena Art Residency in Italy and the Artist in Residence program in Krems of the federal state of Lower Austria.


Bild 1: Installationsansicht, 2016, Fotograf: Friedhelm Hoffmann
Bild 2: Installationsansicht 2, 2017, Fotograf: Martin Pfahler
Bild 3: Objekt Nr. 7, 2016, ca. 20 x 40 cm, Fotograf: Friedhelm Hoffmann